Fridge Magnet
Template |
You will need
- school glue
- hole puncher /optional
- 2 little plastic eyes
- a piece of yarn optional
- a small magnet
Print out the template. cut out the pieces and thrace over color paper of your choise. Have your little ones cut out the shapes. If you deside to kneed it, put the 2 circles together and punch 8 holes. I you dont have a hole puncher or dont want to kneed it, just glue the body forming a big c with glue. once the body is put togetter, have your little one paste thehead fethers beek eyes and wattle. Glue the little magnet on the back of the turkey. Once everything is dry, cut out small pieces of papaer. Ask your kiddos to write or draw something they are thankful for. Roll or fold the little papers and stuff them in side the turkey. Place the little bird in the fridge. Now every time someone opens the fridge they can pull out a note from the turkey and see what the little ones are thankful for.
It is very important to teach our kids at a Jung age to say please and thank you, But is more important to teach them the value of life and be grateful for it.
Have fun enjoy spending time with the little ones, and remember its all about bonding together with the family.
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